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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Enabling "Windows Audio" service is something which we generally tend to overlook. To resolve the issue pertaining to "No audio device" error, you may recommend the customer to perform the following steps:

1. Click Start >> Run. Or( Press Windows key + R key )
2. Type services.msc and press Enter.

"Services" box will pop-up. From the list of Services, search for "Windows Audio".

3. Double-click Windows Audio. ("Windows Audio" box will pop up.)
4. Under Service Status, click the "Start" button and set the "Startup type" to "Automatic".
5. Stop the serivce and Start the service
6. Click OK.

Windows Audio configuration startup batch file

1. Click Start > Run Or( Press Windows key + R key ) and in the text box type Notepad. This will open the Notepad,

type "net start AudioSrv" (without quotes) and save the file with file name start.bat on desktop.

2.Now, copy the start file from the desktop and Right Click on Start button and select Open.
3.Open Programs > StartUp
4.Now Paste the Start.bat file in the startup folder.
5.Close the window and restart the computer. This will resolve the issue.

HP Notebook PCs - No Sound or Audio is Heard

Note : Copy the URL and paste in the address box of the browser, then press Enter Key.

Step 2 : Enable services on failures.

* Click Start
* Select RUN
* Type "services.msc" without quotes and press enter
* Double Click on Windows Audio option.
* Select the Recovery tab.
* Select the option "Restart the service" on First Failure.
* Also select the option " Restar the Service " on second and subsequent failures.
* Click Apply and Click Ok.
* Close Window.


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